Imagine if …

story propels purpose and meaning,
what would you imagine?

story propels purpose and meaning, what would you imagine?

Enlightening, Entertaining and Empowering!

Educational and Motivational Speeches, for In-House Lunches, Meetings, and Retreats.

Norman is an engaging speaker who talks about how to achieve a remarkable personal and organisational life through the essential competencies of influence and persuasion, as expressed through one’s:

Visioning + Presencing + Presenting + Selling

Norman’s speeches draw on his wealth of wisdom acquired from:

Working as an executive and entrepreneur for 40 years.

Living and working as an expatriate in Asia for 30 years.

Establishing businesses in 5 Asia-Pacific countries.

Servicing clients across 14 Asia-Pacific countries.

Highlights from insights!

Norman’s diverse experience, across cultures, industries, and endeavours, enables him to connect, engage, and inspire diverse audiences.

Every presentation is customised for content and duration, to ensure relevance to each event and to ensure resonance with each audience, regardless of their age, gender nationality, experience, role, or responsibilities.

The wisdom Norman shares can be adopted, adapted, and actualised by anyone who wants to imagine and realise the future they want to live.


Educational Speeches

Imagine if … Influence And Persuasion Ignited The Career Success You Desire!
Being with purpose, meaning, and happiness, through visioning, presencing, presenting, and selling!

Imagine if … You Lived Your Own Life, Instead Of Reacting To Someone Else’s!
Being influential, through knowing your direction, deciding your actions, and engaging your resources, by successfully realizing and living the vision of your desired future.

Imagine if … You Attracted, Activated, Accelerated People To Positive Actions!
Being influential, through mobilising your self, your organisation, and your society, by successfully being, expressing, and focussing your mental, emotional, physical, and social self.

Imagine if … You Informed, Impressed, Inspired Audiences To Desired Decisions!
Being persuasive, through successfully telling, showing, and being your story, by focussing their attention, activating their logic, and stimulating their emotions.

Imagine if … You Conversed, Captivated, Convinced Buyers To Purchase!
Being persuasive, through fostering trust, education, and collaboration, by presenting with purpose, engaging with personality, and creating the possibility.

Motivational Speeches

Imagine if … You Told Great Stories And Your Life Became A Great Story!
Being a compelling story teller, through words that inspire people to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more.

Imagine if … Your Imagination Propelled Your Aspirations And Fascinations!
Being your ideal self, through imagining, believing, pursuing, and achieving a life well lived.

Imagine if … You Radiated And Cultivated In Others The 5Cs Of Success!
Being the best you, through fostering the best in others, by encouraging, supporting, and appreciating.

Imagine if … You Regularly Asked Yourself To Imagine If!
Being your desired future, through igniting possibility thinking, creating hope and wonder, and realizing positive outcomes.

Imagine if … You Travelled Through Life With Curiosity, Courage, And Compassion!
Being insightful, through shivering through white silence, sweating through vibrant differences, wondering through colourful time, and walking through blackest black.


Please Contact Norman For A Speech Synopsis and Fee Quotation

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